The Birkin

The Birkin
The finished article

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fabcar - Rounds 2 and 3

Round 2
Time 50.72 with a wrong way penalty
Overall 49th
Birkin Rank 5th

Round 3
Time 31.78
Overall 6th
Birkin Rank 2nd

Round 2 was a disaster. After driving down from Midland, finding the carpark at Galleria, I got waved up to the start line without having read the map. Unfortunately it was the figure-8 circuit, so you go round and round and round - I just missed one of the go-rounds on the first attempt. I ended up diving into the garage having missed most of the lap, facing the wrong way entirely. Not exactly dignified - spectators must have thought I was an idiot....

The second run was much better, and getting 6th overall shows that this was a round where the Birkins should have moved up the rank, except I'd squandered the chance. Never mind, I learnt the lesson, and next time I turned up to a round where they were ready for me to run straight away, I parked it and watched others go first before stuffing it up again.


Anonymous said...

Love to see more videos :)

JDoc said...

Can you actually see it? I can't get it to play for some reason.....

Anonymous said...

Yes it plays fine for me - try a different browser if you're having problems.

JDoc said...

Looks like it's the security settings at work where I've checked the videos - works fine at home