The Birkin

The Birkin
The finished article

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fabcar - Rounds 4 and 5

Round 4
Time 36.45
Overall 36th
Birkin Rank 3rd (should be 2nd! - see below ;-)

Round 5
Time 18.97
Overall 15th
Birkin Rank 3rd

Rounds 4 and 5 were at the carpark at Gloucester Park. This is where all the horse floats, heavy machinery, road-works vehicles etc park, so the surface is loose, gravelly and uneven.

Interestingly, looking at the results sheet for Round 4, Conrad decided not to run this due to the risk of damage to the car, so he got a time of zero. However, this apparently gave him a first place overall - a cracking result! They sorted it out for Round 5 where he came last for not running.... I shall lodge a protest immediately! Now, where's my red flag.....

These rounds were your traditional traffic cone type events, where you turn a corner only to wonder which cone you should be aiming for, and which side you should pass it. Still, I managed to get by without any problems, just a little slow. Birkins should eat this course up. I remember thinking I should try and fling the car around the corners a little more, rather than just drive around them - so I vowed to try that when we returned again later in the day.

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