The Birkin

The Birkin
The finished article

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fabcar - Round 1

Time 43:01 seconds
Overall 22nd
Birkin Rank 1st (only time that happened, mind you)

The first run around unfortunately wasn't video'd, as the thing stopped working again. Typically, as it was my best result.

The first run was at the Midland Speed-dome carpark, and having run there a few weeks ago, I think I had a bit more confidence going into it than the others. Hence the better result. The layout was a little different from the previous runs, but you get a feel for a place.

It was a good circuit, and the run was good. Only one minor issue when up-shifting from second to first approaching the round-about where I compression locked it for a fraction of a second, but not enough to unsettle the car as I was heading in a straight line anyway.

Probably the best thing to be said for the run was that it settled some nerves, and, we thought at the time, gave a chance to work on the driver / co-driver communication. Next round was to show that this perhaps wasn't the case ;-)

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