The Birkin

The Birkin
The finished article

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Things may be stabilising

The title of this post may come back to haunt me.

Anyway, this weekend was a quick run up north to meet up with Kerry and his Birkin, before heading over to Gary's for a BBQ. The weather was looking a little dodgy (so dodgy that the Perth clubman run scheduled for the same day was cancelled - cowards!!!) but Kerry and I committed ourselves early to making the run.

I might also point out that a few others piked on driving their clubmans up for the day - all I can say is that if you wait for perfection, you never get to drive it. Oh wait, that's what I used to say in the UK, and this is Perth where perfect weather is the rule rather than the exception. Still, can't let a few drops of water get between you and a good day out.

So I got to see whether my windscreen wipers worked.

Actually, it's not all that bad. When you're moving, the rain stays out of the cockpit. The only trick is my head is above the windscreen line, so the rain that comes off the top smacks into my forehead and runs off the back. I just need a decent rainproof hat to sort that out. Luckily I have installed a Quick Dry Head(TM) that means there's no irritating hair to get wet.

What I also notice is that my car isn't too stable in standing water - I think that's more to do with my cooked tyres and poor front wheel alignment than anything else. That's on my list this weekend to sort out.

But overall, the car ran really well. It still idles like it should (which is a record - two days in a row), even actually a little low as it tends to stall a bit. Plus the accelerator pedal needs a bit of a push before the TBs open up, so there's some adjustment to be done there as well. But nothing serious. All I needed to do was top up the oil as the pressure was a little low at temp, which has fixed that up.

So this coming weekend should see me do the following:
1. Wheel alignment - at least sort the front out
2. Front roll bar - get this fitted properly...
3. Tidy up some wiring - get a few cable ties applied
4. The weekly bolt check

I think I may start writing down lists of bolts to check on a regular basis, then create a check-sheet for myself and a service routine. You know, check this bolt to this torque setting every three months or 1000km. I'll probably need something like that, or I'll miss one one day and it will cause problems. Besides, I like lists.....

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