The Birkin

The Birkin
The finished article

Monday, September 8, 2008

More shakdowns, or should that be shakeloose?

The last post (?) had a few things to resolve. You can add to the list a really odd squeaking noise on start-up and shut-down.....

OK, so the fuel gauge light was fixed, and is now gone again - I think something is blowing the globe for some reason.

The seatbelt warning light is still an issue - not entirely sure what's going on there, but without a doubt it's another loose wire somewhere.

The overheating problem seems to be mostly resolved, mainly by fixing the fan wiring. There was a loose wire in the fuse box that meant the fan wasn't being switched on by the thermostat. The temp still swings a little too wildly for my liking, so the thermostat might get moved to it's original position, and we'll see what happens from there.

Now for the squeaking - turns out the throttle-bodies had worked their way loose, so the squeak was the air leak getting in behind the throttles. Most embarrassing. However, I've chucked on some longer bolts (the old one's weren't holding on with enough thread), and done them up tighter, and I'll check them regularly. But if I hear that noise again I'll know what it is.

The car has now done around 200km, so hopefully most of the loose bits are doing their thing now rather than later.

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