The Birkin

The Birkin
The finished article

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's back!

Unfortunately, I'm not. I'm still in Melbourne, doing my weekly 7000km round trip to work on the car on Saturday.

Frank has the car back in the workshop - his comment is that no-one that has seen it so far likes it. I haven't seen it, but I'm prepared to give it the benefit of the doubt ;-) I think it probably looks extremely green at the moment, as it's just a painted shell. Once I get the interior, seats, suspension etc onto it, it will break the colour up a little more.

Personally, I can't wait to see it, and finally get some a) photo's and b) actual visible progress made on the car.

In honour of the completion of the paint job, you'll note that I've changed the colour scheme on the blog. Looking at it, I'm not sure whether I like it, but we'll see if it grows on me.


Anonymous said...

I didn't say I didn't like it! How about a stripe? say Yellow?

JDoc said...

OK, well, maybe not. Depends who Anonymous is, I may be that it's a colour only it's owner could love.

A stripe would be interesting, but usually only looks good on flat colours, rather than metallic. There's a bright Ford blue with bright yellow stripe being built at the moment - looks striking and really good. But I think I'll stick with the paint job (that I still haven't seen as yet) for now.