The Birkin

The Birkin
The finished article

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fabcar - Final Results

Time 626.54
Overall 25th
Birkin Rank 3rd

A result of 25th out of 60 isn't bad given its my first attempt at anything like this. Certainly a few lessons:
1. Attack the damn corners - trust the brakes and the handling more
2. Read the map - one small mistake costs a lot of points. Better to be slower and more precise than faster and make mistakes
3. Drive around the course - throwing the backend out is fun but slow

I think the first one is the most telling. Looking at the results, the spread of times near the top is fractions of a second, so each tenth can put you down 10 places or more. So being more attacking in corners is going to help a lot. In the videos I can see that I'm really quite tentative on corners, even though at the time it felt like I was pushing it. But the tyres aren't being stressed, no squealing under brakes, so I'm not anywhere near the edge of the car. I need some more time in it to find it, I think.

Next attempt will be another superkhana at the Speed Dome, then its on to Barbagallo for some real race track stuff, none of the car park malarky!

Finally, at the start of the event, Dad asked what my objectives were for the day. They were:
1. To finish
2. To have nothing fall off the car
3. To have fun

All three objectives were met. To be honest, I think as long as I go into every event with these objectives in mind, it will be a good day. Winnning, top 10 and the rest of it can follow if it works out that way. But damn it was a lot of fun ;-)

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