The Birkin

The Birkin
The finished article

Monday, June 23, 2008

Shakedown issues

Too the car out for a longer run - 80k out to the Mundaring Weir and back, so some nice twisty country roads. Still driving it conservatively, as it's all pretty new, and I don't know how it reacts at the edge (or even where the edge is). But took it past 5000rpm, and it screams along nicely ;-)

As with any build like this, there are always going to be little niggling problems. Luckily, in comparison to some of the other builds I know, mine are pretty minor.

First, there's an oil leak from the side of the engine where the remote oil filter lines attach. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure of where the oil is coming from really, but it's around there somewhere. So it's all come off, been re-sealed and re-attached. I need to take it out for another run, but hopefully that's fixed it.

The other is the clutch pedal, which is still too long. Even with the 7/8" bore, the pedal throw is still down to the floor before the clutch disengages, so we're getting a 1 1/8" to see if that improves things, and we'll move up from there. But as I'm the only person with an AP Racing clutch, I'm the guinea pig on this one.

I also had to redo the steering rack, as the steering wheel slowly got out of alignment after a drive. OK, that's not a good thing, as the steering rack is kinda important in the whole "pointing in the right direction" role of the front wheels, but no harm done.

So, I just have to fit the new clutch master, and then it's off for engineering and registration.

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