The Birkin

The Birkin
The finished article

Monday, February 26, 2007

Day 2 - taking more bits off

OK, so it's in the workshop, and now it's time to prep it for painting. Which basically means deconstructing it further, and feeling like I'm going backwards instead of forwards.

Having said that, it's also a good time to start improving some of the elements on the car. The standard fuel filler cap, for instance, is a complete travesty and should only be considered a stop-gap measure until something better can be fitted. So once the fuel tank came out, I drilled the four rivets and a new fuel filler cap is on order from Meridian. They do a nice flush-mounted alloy filler cap that will sit far better with the overall look of the car.

Mind you, as I was drilling these out Frank glides past and screams "be careful, you're drilling into the car" or some such thing, which is precisely what I was thinking. I might need to become a little less tentative.

Other activities included removing the standard bonnet clips, as they were dodgy and a bit tacky. These will be replaced with the rubber style clips that are slightly larger, but are less obvious and feel like they might actually hold onto the bonnet.

Other tasks included rasping out holes for the windscreen wipers, removing various bits of rubber, and taking the rear splitters off.

The other thing that became apparent was that I need to think longer and harder about the paint scheme. It's all very well and good to say "I want green", but what about the rest? The rollbar, the front suspension, the windscreen surround, the splitters etc. If I chrome stuff, do I go shiny or more like polished aluminium? Do I want the engine bay painted complementary colours etc etc? So more thought required.

But, it's moving forward. Next week should see the last jobs done before it gets sent to the painters, then there'll be a hiatus for a few weeks, during which time the parts from the UK should have arrived, so at least I'll have some new toys to play with.


McDura said...

Where have you gone?

Anonymous said...

Where have you gone?

JDoc said...

Not sure how to answer that - if you mean, why no more posts? There's another one. To be honest it's a little tricky to create a post with much excitement in it for readers at the moment because it's not a really exciting period, taking things off. Once it's painted and I can things put onto the car, it'll become more interesting ;-) And I'll post more often.....