The Birkin

The Birkin
The finished article

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Not a bad result

Finished the race with all parts of the car still attached, unbent and undamaged. Had a lot of fun, although there was one section where they got their timing completely wrong which meant a 45 minute wait in the sun for a 40 second run.

So the results are back - 13th overall, and 1st in class. That said, out of six cars, two broke down and one withdrew. On the other hand, if we didn't have a Clubman Class, then we would have been in the "All 1990-2009" class, which I would have won as well. So I think I'll be a bit smug about that.

I need to get the video off the camera and edited, then I can post it. I'm yet to pick up my perspex with matchbox car glued to it as my prize, though....

1 comment:

Geoffoz said...

Hey Jeff, just found your blog. Wouldn't mind getting together sometime and looking at some video. Got to look at the car this Easter as I drive it a lot and hardly do any work on it.

Geoff - the other green Birkin