The Birkin

The Birkin
The finished article

Monday, December 8, 2008

Vale Tyres

I think I need new tyres. At least, that's my latest excuse.

Anyway, this weekend was the Last Blast Superkhana, again organised by AEM and run at the Midland Speed Dome in the carpark. The circuit was the same as one of the rounds in the one-day challenge, so we could get some comparison times.

The circuit itself is pretty good - for me, it's mostly first gear still. There are only a few tricky points with this one, including a sharp left right which, as you'll see in the first video, caught me out.

So, Round 1 went fine, usual sort of testing run to make sure everything is OK. The surface was reported to be quite slippery, which it was. I think the pines were shedding a lot of needles, and these were creating a lot of dust which needed to be swept off by the front runners. Unfortunately, once more the video decided not to play ball and start, so Round 1 was missed for the cameras.

Round 2 was a different story - I got the camera working early, and I've managed to capture a small mishap for posterity, which I shall share with y'all. Coming into the left / right turn, I've somehow managed to completely understeer off the road - whether this was old and cold tyres, a bit of sand on the road where others had cut the corner, or just the car not being setup right, I somehow manage to understeer off at around 20kph, then lose it when I hit the grass. Cost around 12 seconds all up. No damage (which is one of the nice things with this circuit), just a bit annoying.

To be honest the car was pushing wide all day - you'll note from the first long left-hander I'm having trouble putting power down without the car pushing wide. As Gary and Frank pointed out afterwards, I should have backed off at that point, straightened up, then put my foot down, as going wide here cost a few tenths. The understeer at the bottom corner (sharp right-hander) occured under brakes this time - my fault. I know better than to do that now.

Round 3 was again a problem for the camera, but it was a neat run with no excitement. I think I ran around a 44.7 or thereabouts.

Round 4 was captured, which was good as it was my best run for the day. Still taking the sweeping left-hander wide, but I took the left/right a lot better this time.

I note that I'm still treating the corner with the tree with too much respect, but with the car understeering like it is, perhaps that's wise at this stage.

Ultimately, I think I do need new tyres. The ones on at the moment are three years old now, which is ancient for a soft compound. Looking at the surface of the tyre, they're shredding quite badly, even if there's some tread left. As luck would have it, Frank rang this morning, and he has some Kuhmo V70 195/50R15 in a medium compound that are looking for an owner. They're a bit of a compromise - a full soft compound would be better for most things I do, but probably won't last the year, whereas the mediums will. In addition, if I do decide to do a few hundred kays just for fun on the roads, I won't be feeling guilty for shredding race tyres. But reading the various forums, these tyres seem to be pretty popular.

So one day after deciding I need some new tyres, four new tyres turn up. Nice. Now I just need to completely shred the tyres I have now, and get the new ones on for next year's events.

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