The Birkin

The Birkin
The finished article

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fabcar Rounds 13 and 14

Round 13
Time 38.09 (36.45)
Overall 38th (36th)
Birkin Rank 2nd

Round 14
Time 19.72 (18.97)
Overall 28th (15th)
Birkin Rank 3rd

I know what you're thinking - what happened here? Going slower the second time around? These rounds were repeats on the Gloucester Park circuit, with all the gravel etc. I though this time around I'd try a different approach. Before, I was just driving around, keeping everything neat and tidy. This time, I thought I'd try playing with the back end more on the loose surface, seeing if sliding it would make a difference. Well, it did, but not in the right way.

I think I shall go back to the smooth and steady style from now on.

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